Trail Builder Resources

Tip Sheets to Remove Accessibility Barriers
Tourism NS has several tip sheets that are applicable to trails to help you make your trails more accessible and welcoming to those with disabilities. Of particular interest are the Access and Inclusion for Visitors with Disabilities sheet and the Activities, Festivals, & Events Sector sheet.

Trail Manager Survey Results
Learn about the results of a survey of trail managers here.

Trail Closed Signs
Here is a template your trail group can download and print and post on your closed trails.  

Trail Closed sign PDF file     Trail Closed sign PNG file

Have a Volunteer Trail Building Day Coming Up?
Let Hike NS know if you have a volunteer trail building day coming up and we’ll help promote it (try to give us at least a few weeks notice in advance). Contact us

Great Nova Scotia Pick-Me-Up
Now is an excellent time to do a clean up on or near local trails. Register a clean up and get free supplies.
The Trail Builders Network is supported by the Nova Scotia Department of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage

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