NS Walks

NS Walks at Work



Recognizing the benefits of walking during the workday and the opportunity to engage employees who may be less active, NS Walks at Work offers leader-led gentle walks during the workday.

Walking and wellness go hand in hand. Walking, particularly group walking, provides essential mental, physical, and social benefits. In our 24-7 world, a workplace walking group is an effective break, where folks can lower their stress, rest their minds, move their bodies, and have some fun.


Why leader training

We know when there is capacity in a workplace to lead wellness initiatives, IE. leaders who are responsible for organizing regular short walks, it is much more likely to be successful and sustainable. Once the program is up and running, it is one of the easiest and least time consuming wellness activities to sustain. Moreover, the benefits to both individual employees and the workplace can be significant.


How? We train walking champions in workplaces to organize and lead gentle, friendly, regularly scheduled walks in their workplace

Next training: Tuesday, April 8th, 9:30 - 11:30 
Registration HERE

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